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Luoyang resume

        Luoyang was born in June 1961 in Shenyang, Liaoning. He graduated from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1982 with a high-altitude design degree. Researcher-level senior engineer. He served as Chairman, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. In 1999, he enjoyed special government allowances and won several awards. He is a model worker of Liaoning Province and a winner of the “Airline National Gold Award”. During his lifetime, he achieved outstanding achievements in the rapid development of several national key projects. He achieved the sublimation of management innovation with the pursuit of excellence in corporate governance and changed the face of Shenfei.

1982.08 Designer of Shenyang Aircraft Design and Research Institute;

1992.09 Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the 9th Party Branch of Shenyang Aircraft Design and Research Institute (also);

1994.02 Deputy Director and Minister of Organization Department of Shenyang Aircraft Design and Research Institute;

1995.06 Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang Aircraft Design and Research Institute;

1997.06 Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Shenyang Aircraft Design and Research Institute;

1999.12 Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang Aircraft Design and Research Institute is also the first deputy director;

2002.07 Vice Chairman and Party Secretary of Shenyang Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.;

2007.11 Chairman, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.

In December 2008, he served as deputy general manager and member of the party group of AVIC Aviation Equipment. Before his death, he served as the general commander of the development of the 歼-15 aircraft.


Comrade Luoyang's deeds

        Luoyang, male, born in 1961, member of the Communist Party of China. Researcher-level senior engineer. He is currently the chairman and general manager of AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as AVIC Shenfei). In July 2002, he was transferred to Shenyang Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. by AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Design Institute. He has served as designer of Shenyang Aircraft Design Institute, deputy director and minister of organization department, deputy secretary of the party committee and deputy director of the party committee, secretary of the party committee and first deputy director, secretary of the party committee and vice chairman of the aviation industry of AVIC. 歼-15 aircraft and other models developed on-site commander.

        He led the aviation industry of China Aviation Industry to a new level of scientific development with the intelligence of the air to serve the country. As the "leader" of AVIC's Shenfei development, in the past few years, he has been prosperous, pragmatic and innovative, and has always stood firmly at the height of the interests of the party and the state, and vigorously practiced the purpose of "air to serve the country, strengthen the army and enrich the people" and The concept of “Dedication, Integrity and Innovation” has continuously created a new miracle in aviation manufacturing. The main economic indicators such as business income and industrial output value jumped 39.5% since taking office, and profits jumped 61.8%. The development of Shenfei has entered the fast lane of continuous development and has made outstanding contributions to China's aviation industry and national economic construction. .

       He led the AVIC Shenfei to complete the development of several key models and made outstanding contributions to China's national defense modernization construction with the political mission of serving the country and strengthening the military. In the past few years, Luoyang has been in the period of rapid development of aviation weapons and equipment. It is also the most difficult task for AVIC’s Shenfei mission. Many people think that the task is extremely challenging and difficult to complete. As the chief commander of the development of several models, he led the team to face the intersection of scientific research and production. In particular, the research and development of new machines is tight, the technical difficulty is high, the risks are high, and the demand for batch production tasks is large. The model development is the biggest political mission, and every measure is taken to strengthen organizational management and strictly implement the responsibility system. The general manager ordered the establishment of an on-site working group to strengthen the seriousness and execution of the production plan, and personally signed the “responsibility” with the relevant units, and assigned the key nodes to separate the work priorities for different periods, organize the departmental assembly, final assembly and test flight. "Great Battle", concentrated on the key models to fight the decisive battle, successfully overcome the shortage of resources, the cycle is tight, the supply of finished products is not timely, and so on, and achieved the successful first flight and design stereotypes of several key new research models, successfully completed. The development tasks of various models endowed by the Party and the state have made significant progress in the development of military aircraft and made outstanding contributions to the development of national aviation weapons and equipment. In the product development process, he led Shen Fei, constantly innovating the project management mode, and vigorously implementing the concurrent project. While improving the quality of the development, the project development cycle was greatly shortened. At present, it has been completed from the end of the design to the first flight. Years of research and development, a large number of new technologies and new processes have been widely used, and product development and manufacturing capabilities have achieved major breakthroughs, achieving a successful jump in production capacity from the third-generation machine to the fourth-generation machine. At the same time as he has made a good research and development model, he has turned his eyes inward and worked hard on internal production management. He used all the usual methods to make overall plans, grab the progress, improve and extend the project management organization, and formed a responsibility, power, and clarity. Longitudinal smoothness, horizontal coordination, and efficient management system, the key model tasks will be integrated from management to production, and the development efficiency will be accelerated. In the past four years, a large number of advanced fighters have been delivered to the army, upgrading and air-defending the national defense weapons and equipment. The naval strategic transformation has made a major contribution. It is under the leadership of Comrade Luo Yang that the research and production tasks of AVIC Shenfei have been successively reported, and the mission targets set by the national key projects and the 11th Five-Year Plan have been fully realized. The number of aircraft delivered has been set up to deliver the aircraft for nearly 30 years. The largest number of new records has achieved the leap-forward development of Shenfei. The brilliant achievements have been praised by the leaders of the higher levels and the heads of the military, and won the special award for national scientific and technological progress.

        He integrated the civil aircraft industrial structure with the strategic vision of strengthening the army and enriching the people, and practiced the development strategy of "two integration, three new, five transformations and trillions". Comrade Luo Yang takes the development strategy of AVIC's “two integrations” as the guide, makes full use of the advantages of internal and external resources, and realizes the industrial development layout with broad vision and far-reaching strategy through “global thinking and localized operation”, and actively expands its business to the outside world. Accelerate the industrialization and large-scale development of civil aircraft, and the export delivery of subcontracted production exceeded 100 million US dollars, realizing the organic integration of industrial development with the development of local economy and world civil aviation industry. Cooperated with Bombardier Co., Ltd. to develop and produce C-series aircraft, and set up Shenyang Shenfei International Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. to promote the overall construction of the C-Series aircraft project in Shenyang Weinan Airlines Base, and realize the transformation of subcontract production to risk cooperation. Starting from the future development of the company, he plans to develop the navigation industry and cooperate with the American Cessna Company to produce the LSA162 light sport aircraft, which has enabled the company to enter the whole machine cooperation field and build a pull-type production line to realize production capacity and industry. The rapid development of scale has effectively promoted the development of the navigation industry. Under the leadership of Comrade Luo Yang, the scale of China Aviation Industry’s Shenfei civil aircraft industry has been continuously expanded, its capabilities have been continuously improved, and its business fields have been continuously expanded. It has realized a leap from small assembly parts to large components and subcontracting, from subcontracting production to risk cooperation. The leap has created a broad space for the future development of the company.

He vigorously implemented reform management with the concept of pursuing excellence in governance, and led AVIC Shenfei to enter the fast lane of continuous rapid development. At the beginning of his tenure, he put forward the idea of "ten co-ordination" and gradually implemented it. In response to different work priorities each year, he proposed the management of “four modernizations”, that is, management “strict, refined, standardized and standardized”, so as to lead the company's various management tasks to achieve a major leap. He has comprehensively implemented modern management tools such as Lean Six Sigma, Integrated Balanced Scorecard, EVA, etc., so that new management ideas are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and realize the sublimation of management innovation. He actively advocates the development and application of information technology, and is a key link in aviation products. Adopting digital technology, it has realized the integration of digital manufacturing technology with advanced countries in the West. He led the "marketization reform, professional integration, capitalization operation, international development, industrialization development" to further adjust and improve the organization and proceed. To build a strategic center-oriented enterprise; he focused on the future development, deepened the work principle of "main and auxiliary separation, auxiliary industry restructuring", adopted step-by-step implementation, and gradually promoted the implementation of enterprise restructuring, "slimming" the enterprise, and realized the majority of employees Resist the new situation of active participation. In the past few years, seven new companies have been successfully restructured, which provides a useful reference for the deepening reform of aviation industry enterprises. Through Comrade Luoyang's drastic implementation of reform and development, AVIC's Shenfei operation management has reached a new level and achieved sustained and rapid development of the company.

       He insisted on people-oriented, continuously deepened the construction of the talent team, and cultivated a large number of talents for the long-term development of the aviation industry, injecting a steady stream of vitality. Comrade Luo Yang always regards "people" as the fundamental element of enterprise development and regards "people" as the soul of enterprise development. At the cadre level, the “three rectification” activities of leading cadres and the work style construction of cadres were carried out. At the employee level, “clear responsibility, standard, strong style and quality” were carried out with the theme of “serious and meticulous and meticulous”. The special rectification activities of post performance have further improved the ability and quality of employees' job performance, and cultivated the professional spirit of the cadres and employees who are dedicated and dedicated, and promote the talent team to be more pure and more combative. Under his leadership, all kinds of talents have emerged constantly. Not only have dozens of experts led the way, but also many national technical experts and national May 1st Labor Medals have emerged, which has effectively improved the overall team quality.

       Guided by the scientific outlook on development, he consolidates the work of party building in creating excellence and creating a new situation of harmonious development of Shen Fei. In the time of serving as party secretary, in the face of leaving the technical post to embark on the test of ideological and political work, he worked hard to study the theory, diligently delved into the business, put forward a series of innovative methods of selecting and cultivating leading cadres, and deepening the party organization construction. It has effectively improved the fighting fort and role of the party organization and the party members, and won a very high prestige among the masses. He is rigorous and meticulous, strives for perfection, and strives for perfection in the pursuit of perfection. He has grown from a technical expert to an aviation pride, and has achieved a high degree of unity of professional technology, executive leadership, and party affairs experts. After serving as the general manager, he insisted on strengthening theoretical study and unshakable, insisting on the "ten co-ordination" development ideas, unswervingly persisting in emancipating the mind, unswervingly exerting the leading role of leading cadres, giving full play to the political core role of party committees, and persisting in the center. To serve the overall situation, unite and lead the broad masses of party members and the masses to create superiority and escort for scientific research and production tasks. Through continuous activities such as “Weekly Star Team”, “Weekly Star” and “Shoufei Factory-level meritorious service”, we have set up a learning craze in Shenfei to study hard and improve skills. Vigorously carry out grassroots organization construction activities to implement the "five major projects" (fortress project, head geese project, star project, escort project, cornerstone project), and achieve "five upgrades" (improve the combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations and enhance the quality of grassroots party organizations With the goal of improving the level of party members, improving the level of grassroots party building work, and improving the institutionalization of grassroots party building, the three major security systems (institutional guarantee system, basic guarantee system, and learning guarantee system) have been strengthened. "Building" (grasping the ranks of leading cadres, grassroots party organizations, and party members), continuously improving the scientific level of the construction of grassroots party organizations, enhancing the creativity, cohesiveness, and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations, and making grassroots organizations more standardized. Scientific. At the same time, it pays attention to the integration of party building work with the central task, constantly innovating the form of activities, enriching the content and carrier of activities, vigorously emancipating the mind, supernormal and not super-procedural, courageously fighting hard, tackling the hardship, and organizing the "dedication of Communist Party members" "In-depth study and practice of scientific development concept, quality promotion" and other activities have further enhanced the mission awareness of the cadres and employees to promote the scientific development of enterprises, and ensured the development of key models. In addition, it has further improved the new mechanism of scientific development of enterprises, investigated problems in practice, and deeply analyzed the institutional mechanisms that restrict the scientific development of enterprises, and constantly improved them. Through the study and practice activities, Shen Fei has developed the incentive mechanism, the cadre launch mechanism, and the young cadre training selection mechanism. At the same time, it has established a number of cadre accountability systems and major quality matters reporting systems. A new mechanism for scientific research, production, operation and management. The construction and improvement of these mechanisms have effectively promoted the sound and rapid development of enterprises.

        Excellent leadership and outstanding performance, and wrote a brilliant chapter in the development of AVIC. In the past few years, the company has won nearly 100 honorary titles such as “30-year National Enterprise Culture Excellent Unit Award”, “National Model Labor Relations Harmonious Enterprise” and “Eleventh Five-Year Integration Model Enterprise”. Comrade Luo Yang himself has also been fully recognized by his superiors. He has successively won the "Leading Leaders in National Defense Technology Industry Innovation", "Excellent Leading Cadres of AVIC Industry", "China Aviation Industry Aviation Reporting National Gold Award", "Central Enterprise Excellent Thought Workers", and "Third "Entrepreneur entrepreneurs in Liaoning Province", "Model Workers in Liaoning Province", "The 3rd Entrepreneur of Liaoning Province", "Advanced Individuals in the Management of Safety Production Targets in the Military Industry of Liaoning Province", and "The 4th Outstanding of the 4th Shenyang City" Leading cadres, "2009 Shenyang City, the production of outstanding entrepreneurs", "the second Shenyang outstanding entrepreneurs", "2010-2011 Shenyang outstanding entrepreneurs" and many other honorary titles.

      Comrade Luo Yang, as the person in charge of the aviation industry of China Aviation Industry, took the revitalization of the country as his responsibility, and took the development of the enterprise as his responsibility, dedicating himself and doing his best to devote all his energy and life to his job. Life is endless and struggles. In the last month of his life, in order to let the new fighters fly in the blue sky, in order to let the carrier-borne aircraft gallop in the sea, he is tireless and hardworking, and has succeeded in achieving the success of the two key models. After the flight, he immediately rushed to the Zhuhai Air Show to scream for the new fighter, and then went to the "Liaoning Ship" to help the carrier aircraft, without a moment of rest. With all his energy, he led the AVIC Shenfei to the peak of his career, and explained the true meaning of "airmail to the country" with no regrets until the last moment of life...
